Pictured are below are covers of the 9th edition Guidebook that inmates (referred to in Thresholds as ‘clients’) work in with their one-on-one (Micro) teacher as they learn the six-step decision-making process. The tan covered version is for male clients; and the pink for women. There is another one tailored to juveniles, and a Spanish language version is also available. Page one content of the Guide is also shown below. To the immediate right is the special edition of the Guide, “dedicated to all who are young at heart, both clients and teachers.” Still another edition has been created by popular demand for use with clients in communities or organizations outside of correctional facilities.
The volunteer teacher is provided with a comprehensive Volunteer Teacher’s Manual that he or she is trained to use at the volunteer training course. This manual has a great deal of information on the background and underlying concepts of the Thresholds program.
Our materials are now copyrighted and are available for purchase to groups interested in starting a Thresholds program within the guidelines our regional organization, Mid-Atlantic Thresholds.
- Guide Page 1
- Youth Guide
(Click Images to Enlarge)