Russell Torrey

The G.W. Hill Correctional Facility is preparing to open for volunteers.   After an almost two-year hiatus, necessitated by the Covid pandemic, the G.W. Hill Correctional Facility is preparing to allow volunteers, such as Thresholds volunteers, to start visiting inmate clients again. Actual visitations with clients are not scheduled to […]

G.W. Hill Correctional Facility Opening for Client Visits   Recently updated !

2019 Thresholds volunteers and their teachers. These folks are ready to teach inmates better decision making skills to enable them to stay out of trouble. Much thanks to Neumann University for providing the classroom free of charge. Also, a small favor: If you have an Amazon account, please consider shopping […]

Successful Volunteer Training Session

Volunteering If you have been considering joining our family of volunteers, we are happy to inform you that we have an upcoming prison visit event on July 21, 2018. About Thresholds Founded in 1975, Thresholds is a nonprofit organization that teaches a six-step decision-making course to inmates in Delaware County. Better […]


Dear Thresholds Teachers and Supporters, Recently, the Board of Directors sadly accepted the resignation of long-time SCI Coordinator, Tina Stanton. Tina has done an outstanding job over the years and will be missed.  Thankfully Tina is willing to stay on in a volunteer capacity which we really appreciate. I am attaching the Job Description for the […]

Tina Stanton steps down as SCI Coordinator